SuperKid Climbing Course
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SuperKid >>> SupKid Climbing Course


Course Introduction:This course provides long term wall climbing training targeting children aging 4 to 12,course syllabus comprises the understanding and usage of wall climbing equipment,safety instruction, climbing Techniques etc.Throughout wall climbing,children can lean about interpersonal skills,which include communication and cooperation. On the other hand,children can have personal development in self-confidence and problem solving ability.physical fitness,for example, muscular development and reactivity,can also be improved.Thking wall climbing as a long term extra-curricular activity can let your kids develop their stamina and balancing.

Course Features:This is a Certificate Children Wall Climbing Course. This course is designed by professional Wall Climbing Coach,which comprises of 10 level of assessment examination for participants. participants can join these examinations freely according to their personal progress.The examination will be held half yearly.A certificate for corresponding level will be conferred to students who pass the examination.


Site Characteristics:

1.Spotlight Recreation Club climbing site

2. Discovery Bay Club Siena climbing site


Course Timetable£º

1. SRC Climbing Site

2. Discovery Bay Climbing Site


Why you should choose SuperKid Climbing Course?

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